Fresh tulips are already blooming over here in spite of continued threats of snow in Chicagoland. The trick seems to be growing them inside to enjoy the bulbs sprouting quickly under watchful expectant spring loving eyes- like mine. Springy new earring have materialized as March comes in today. Have a peek here on the Casey Keith Design Jewelry page and on Poshmark at the Daturaart Boutique.
Tulips in Bloom at Casey Keith Design
Spring Green Cluster Earrings now in stock at Daturaart Boutique on PoshmarkSpring has sprung already at Casey Keith Design
Natural pops of garnet red are now available to you in a new collection of unique earrings and one very special one-of-a-kind handcut garnet bracelet. Have a peek at all of the fresh new styles here at on the Casey Keith Design Jewelry page and at their new home Poshmark in the Daturaart Boutique – where they are all in stock and available for purchase along with many other fashionable and unique Made in America designs – while supplies last!
Garnet Box Pearl Earrings (Sold) at Poshmark Boutique DaturaArt
Not shopping on Poshmark yet? It safe, secure and easy to do with the Poshmark app! (Find it in the App store on your smartphone.) Get a $5 shopping credit with invite code Daturaart! Casey Keith is a Poshmark Ambassador and is thrilled to answer your burning questions and show you around as needed on the fashion forward platform. Enjoy shopping on your phone and spending your $5 credit on anything site-wide!
Heads up! Many new Earrings have been released at Poshmark Boutique DaturaArt by Casey Keith Design. Join Poshmark for $5 credit to spend as desired with invite code DaturaArt and have a peek at some of the new designs on the Casey Keith Design Jewelry page here at
Willful Woman earrings now in stock at Daturaart on Poshmark
Perhaps you are unfamiliar with Poshmark or are feeling unsure about what it is and how to shop there. Relax and be informed that Poshmark is a trusted App that can be downloaded in the app store. Buying on Poshmark is easy and fast and affordable! Once you have downloaded the app, you will want to set up your own account for success by choosing your favorite brands and entering your sizes. “Following” sellers that match your brands and sizes makes it easy to find the fashions that are best for you. Some items are not effected by size – like accessories, jewelry, handbags, etc. The more sellers you “follow” by clicking their blue follow button – the better your selection. Fashions may also be browsed online in desktop mode, however most of what happens on Poshmark happens on your phone. Enjoy shopping anywhere in comfort on Poshmark! Don’t forget to spend your $5 credit on whatever you want when you join with Invite code DaturaArt!
I know this may be a tad premature, but Valentine’s Day is 10 days away and I have a small something to share with you, dear readers! Join Poshmark with invite code DATURAART for $5 credit toward anything you like site-wide on the app at Perhaps there is a new sweetie in your life that you would like to buy a small gift for -to mark the special occasion. Maybe you want to buy yourself a new sweater or pants or fashionable scarf. If it is wearable fashion – you can certainly find it on the Poshmark app. (Find it in the app store in your smart phone.) Buying is simple and the more you shop for things you like – the easier it gets. You choose your style and it is all made simple by shopping for only items that are your own size – and for your favorite brands.
Earrings are a fantastic gift for yourself or a loved one! Join Poshmark with invite code Daturaart for $5 free credit
The Boutique Datura Art features Casey Keith Design jewelry and still has some lovely items available for the fast approaching holiday of romance. Have a peek and use your $5 Poshmark Credit anywhere you like within the app and expect items chosen to appear via priority mail – usually with speedy 2 or 3 day shipping.
In case Valentine’s Day is a trigger for you and it fills you with sadness: please reach out to people who care. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is 1-800-273-8255 and is staffed and ready for you 24 hours/day every single day. Remember that you are loved and that there is always someone waiting to hear from you. <3
Unique Masala Hearts for a literal Valentine gift for your love – as with all earrings- you are 2 of a kind. *sigh*Poshmark is the place to buy fashion for Women, Men & Children! Everybody!